A Letter to All International Students and Your Parents II

Dear all students and your parents,

On behalf of the School of International Education, YZNU, we sincerely appreciate your understanding and support for COVID-19 virus control and prevention since Jan. 23, 2020. For working better in this critical period, we are here to introduce current epidemic situation, health and safety reminders, and the plan for new semester.

  1. Current situation in China, Chongqing, and Fuling (location of campus)

  1. In China. The central government and all local governments have been making every effort and have the strongest determination to remove the epidemic as soon as possible. We are glad to see the general trend is good, but the turning-down point has not arrived. Nobody is relaxed because this virus is very easy to transmit and has not been absolutely removed from China, so strict control and prevention are still in operation.

  2. In Chongqing. Our city attracted lots of attention in the beginning because we are the largest city near Wuhan-the outbreak city. But the virus didn’t widely spread here due to early strong measures by gov, we can see the daily increase has been keeping a low rate.

  3. In Fuling. There are 5 patients in total, 2 have recovered and left hospital, the other 3 are still in treatment. There are no confirmed or suspected patients within 10 kms from our campus.

  4. For further epidemic situation, please check on China Daily in English (http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/special_coverage/2020novelcoronavirus) or Sina in Chinese (https://news.sina.cn/zt_d/yiqing0121)

  1. Health and safety reminders

    Wearing mask and washing hands more frequently are still the most effective way to prevent transmission. In order to prevent transmission and take care of students, the school has locked down the dormitory, teachers take turns to work in the lobby to coordinate for students’ daily lives, e.g. needs of money withdrawal, food purchase, package collection, medical assistance, etc. Please understand this is the only solution to absolutely cut down transmission in the dormitory. No in and no out except emergencies. We will keep this regulation until it’s officially declared all safe in Fuling.

  2. The plan for new semester

    Now we have students on campus, in other cities of China, and at home outside China. No matter where you are, stay there and be prepared for study. This is to officially inform that all students are required to start study from Mar. 2nd Monday. Before the epidemic situation is removed, all students should study online under teachers’ instruction.

    For your health and safety, the students outside school are still not allowed to come back to campus before our further notice. Once we inform students the time of returning to campus in future, you shall come back in two weeks.

We honestly wish all students and your families healthy and safe. With our joint efforts, we surely will succeed in the war against the epidemic.


Email: international@yznu.cn

Emergency call: +86 189 8333 1986

School of International Education

Feb. 23, 2020