致长江师范学院外国留学生的一封信 A Letter to YZNU International Students


Dear all international students,


正值新春佳节,多地发生新型冠状病毒感染的肺炎疫情, 中国正在全国范围内积极采取措施控制疫情扩散蔓延,重庆市已启动重大突发公共卫生事件一级响应。学校对此高度重视,始终把校内外每一位同学的身体健康和生命安全放在首位,为共同防控疫情,现向广大留学生同学做出如下通知:

At the special time of Spring Festival, the novel coronavirus has attracted a country-wide attention, lots of control and prevention measures has been implemented in China. Yangtze Normal University has been paying great attention to the safety and health of all international students. In order to thoroughly and effectively fight against novel coronavirus, YZNU has made the following notifications:



Please be alert to latest notices, information and regulations issued by YZNU.



Please pay close attention to the news on control and prevention of new pneumonia on official media like China Daily (http://www.chinadaily.com.cn) or Chongqing Fabu to keep track of the latest epidemic situation, and the instruction on National Health Commission (http://en.nhc.gov.cn) to learn the knowledge of disease prevention and self-protection. Please have objective understanding of the novel coronavirus and firmly believe it can be controlled and prevented. Do not believe in or transfer unconfirmed information or rumors.


3.近期尽量减少外出, 不前往湖北等疫情集中地区,不参加聚会、聚餐等集体活动,避免到封闭、空气不流通的公众场所和人员密集场所,避免近距离接触野生动物。如确需外出,请做好佩戴口罩等防范措施。。

During this special period, please do not go to Hubei Province, reduce the time of going out, do not participate in parties and other group activities, do not go to public areas, and keep away from wild animals. If you have to go out, please wear masks.



Please increase health protection. If go out, please wear a mask. Ensure yourself have enough sleep, wash hands when coming back to dormitory and ventilate frequently, keep a healthy diet and keep warm. Do not spit and remember to cover the nose and mouth when you cough or sneeze. It is essential to keep mental health and do not fall panic or anxious.


5. 学校将加强校园管理,寒假期间校园不对校外人员、车辆开放,严格实施门禁制度,对外来人员实施登记制度。希望同学们积极配合并且不要邀请或接受外来人员来访。学校已取消寒假期间所有集体活动,包括上课或实践活动等,室内体育馆和图书馆等暂时关闭,恢复时间将另行通知。

YZNU has strengthened campus control. During the winter break, the campus is not open to people or vehicles outside. Entrances have been more strictly guarded. Please cooperate and do not invite outsiders to enter school. School has already stopped all group activities during the winter break including classes or practices. Indoor stadium and library have been temporarily closed. The re-open time will be informed later.


6. 为做好疫情防控,切实保障广大同学的健康和安全,寒假期间国际公寓禁止一切外来人员入内、楼内人员出入需登记,出入校门需进行体温检测。

To guarantee students’ health and safety, all outsiders are forbidden to enter the international students’ dormitory building, students in the building should register at lobby when leaving and returning, and measure body temperature when entering school entrances.


7. 请同学们保持联系方式畅通, 在中国境内的留学生请及时通报所在地及身体状况。随时关注自己的健康状况,如出现发热、乏力、干咳或呼吸困难等症状,请戴上口罩、做好防护,立即到学校医院或者就近到发热门诊就医,并与学校老师联系。身边同学如有患病请积极配合做好通报排查和隔离工作。

Please keep in touch with School of International Education. For those who stay in China, please timely report to teacher about your location and physical condition. Pay more attention to your health. If you find yourself in fever, fatigue, cough or other related symptoms, please wear a mask and go to the university hospital or nearest designated hospital for medical treatment at the first time, and contact your teacher. If students around you have above symptoms, please help to report and take certain isolation methods.



Students who have already left YZNU should not return to school before the new semester officially begins. Please do not book return tickets in advance. The start time of new semester will be notified later through phone calls, WeChat and email according to coronavirus control situation and school’s plan. Students living on campus plan to leave YZNU and go back to your country should ask School of International Education for leave before departing.



International Affairs Office and School of International Education will closely follow the situation and notification from head government offices and will keep in touch with international students to timely publicize related information. Please always pay attention to our information.



Dear all international students, it is everyone’s duty and responsibility to work together to fight against novel coronavirus for it concerns all our health and safety. Please believe that Yangtze Normal University always care about the health and safety of all students, and please believe that with our joint efforts, the battle against the virus will succeed soon!




International Affairs Office and

School of International Education, YZNU


Jan. 29, 2019